The Lead Gameplay Designer for League of Legends has confirmed that Grievous Wounds will receive massive changes in the upcoming season 13.
Ever since the durability patch, the overall healing in League of Legends has crept up to the point where everyone had a high health pool and an increased health regeneration rate. Moreover, Riot also substantially nerfed Grievous Wounds in that patch.
Grievous Wounds is a debuff that lowers the player’s ability to heal and regenerate health. Additionally, there are many ways players can cause this debuff. Some sources include the summoner’s spell Ignite and items like Mortal Reminder, Thornmail, etc.
Although, the durability rework was meant for squishy champions so that they don’t get one shot by an assassin. Unfortunately, Riot did not anticipate that champions with high life steal, like Aatrox, would dominate in the meta, thanks to the buffs. Moreover, the nerfs Grievous Wounds from 60% to 40% anti-heal made the anti-heal items useless.
Even though Riot did try to nerf healing by nerfing omnivamp and Eclipse in subsequent patches, thanks to the recent preseason patch, healing is even stronger than before.
In every preseason, Riot updates and introduces a new set of items. One of these updated items is Ravenous Hydra. It’s a bruiser item that specializes in Omnivamp. And in this preseason, Riot added a new passive to it, Carnivorous. This passive grants its user 0.6 AD and 0.1% omnivamp whenever they kill a minion, and the AD and omnivamp double if the user slays a large monster or a champion. This simple change turned Ravenous Hydra into a snowball item.
Because of this rampant healing problem, Riot confirms that Grievous Wounds will receive a massive change in 2023.
Read more: Riot Changes Jungle Again On LoL Patch 12.23B.
Grievous Wounds Changes
Riot Axes, the Lead Champion Designer for League of Legends, has confirmed on Reddit that the current Grievous Wounds system has many issues. Moreover, they also stated that they are not currently massively reworking it.
Currently, they plan to give anti-heal components (Executioner’s Calling, Bramble Vest, and Oblivion’s Orb) 40% Grievous Wounds from the beginning. Right now, these items provide a 25% GW. With this change, Riot expects players to access the counters when needed.
Furthermore, Riot will also change the completed Grievous Wounds item to have more bonuses. For example, Riot confirmed that they would bring armor penetration back to Mortal Reminder. Although these changes won’t entirely solve all issues surrounding healing, they mentioned that they are working on recovery changes for the future.